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The Joshua Eaton PTO needs your help to offer enriching activities for our students.  PTO dues are only $20 per year.  The PTO spends approximately $110 per child per year.  Dues account for approximately 10% of our operating budget.


Direct Donation


Our largest revenue source is the Direct Donation program.  It provides 35% of our budget and allows us to avoid individual selling programs in place at other schools for items such as wrapping paper or magazines.  Please consider a Direct Donation as we begin the school year.





Each year the Spellathon is a fundraising activity where the kids collect pledges for donations based on how many words they spell correctly on an age specific spelling test.  Last year this fundraiser provided 17% of our revenue.  The Spellathon typically takes place in January and February.



Kid’s Raffle


Each April the Kid’s Raffle and Ice Cream Social provide a fun time with many raffle prizes.  Last year the Kid’s Raffle raised 12% of our revenue.



Rewards Programs


The Joshua Eaton PTO participates in several programs that enable us to earn money while you make your regular purchases.  We all want to shop smarter and helping the PTO by participating in these rewards programs is a great way to help fund enrichment activities for our students!  Approximately 6% of the PTO budget comes from these corporations.  Let’s show our appreciation by supporting them with our shopping dollars.




Amazon Smile Program

By simply enrolling in the program and choosing the Joshua Eaton PTO as your charity of choice the PTO will receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases as a donation to the PTO.  Remember to always start your shopping at the Amazon Smile home page.  For details click here:





When you purchase Calareso’s certificates through the PTO, 25% of your order goes to the PTO.



Box Tops


Every Box Top for Education turned in earns $.10 for the PTO.  Please keep clipping those box tops and sending them in.



Stop and Shop Bonus Bucks


Whenever you use your Stop and Shop card you can accrue Bonus Bucks for our school.  All you have to do is register your card at  Select register your card, enter the information requested and choose Joshua Eaton for the school.  Registration for this school year began on September 11th.



Target Rewards


All your purchases on a Target Credit or Debit card can help to fund PTO activities.  If you have a card you can register it at or click here






Fundraisers are also held throughout the school year in conjunction with businesses in Reading.  In prior years we have held fundraising days at Learning Express, Zinga, Aine’s Boutique, Mandarin Reading, and Bertucci’s.

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