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Joshua Eaton PTO


Together, we can and will make a difference…



On behalf of the PTO board, welcome to our website! The PTO plays an integral role at Joshua Eaton and in the development of each and every child. The website is full of pertinent information such as PTO school activities, teacher directory, and additional PTO information.


One unique way our PTO serves our school is by providing all enrichment opportunities at no additional cost to parents. These include all field trips, in school programs and myriad social opportunities.  Last year, the PTO spent over $30,000 on in-house learning experiences for our children and curriculum related field trips.  The students look forward to the Jaguar Jog, The Halloween Howl and the Ice Cream Social each year. The staff looks forward to a Welcome Back Luncheon and a thoughtful and generous Staff Appreciation week each spring.



As the PTO, we work very closely with the principal and the entire staff.  Together we strive to equip our children with an authentic and dynamic education. We are only successful with your support. The PTO finances our work through membership dues, generous direct donations and various reward programs.  We only exist and improve through your involvement.  We thrive and grow through membership.  Each and every one of us has something valuable to contribute to the learning community.


Please join us in helping to shape the education of our children and to grow and develop our Joshua Eaton community.

Thank you in advance for your time, commitment and generosity.  Please contact me or any board member with questions, concerns or comments at any time.


Looking forward to working with you,



Pina Rizza


PTO President

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